A safe space for those seeking solace from wounds of the heart.

My name is Lola Alao.

I am a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner helping patients to overcome the various challenges they face as they navigate the difficulties of life.

Are you stressed by daily events and the changing world around you?

Do you feel trapped by anxiety and fear?

Are you drowning in a pit of depression or sadness?

Are you gripped by anger and frustration?

Do guilt or shame overwhelm you?

Are you unable to forgive those who may have upset you?

Do your daily challenges, negative emotions, loss of faith and an uncertain future, make it hard to maintain positivity?

Do you yearn for control over your mind and emotions, and wish to reconnect with God?

Together we can find the path to peace and the strength of faith through prayers that are curated to give you the strength you may be seeking.

While my primary focus lies in the Christian faith, my wish is to welcome all of those who are in need of prayer- regardless of denomination or belief system. You are welcome here- you are valued, important and treasured.

You are welcome here. You belong. My prayers are with you, and for you.

These prayers are not for a select few- they are meant to provide comfort to any and all, regardless of race, religion, social standing, and identity. As a representative of Christ, I know my gift works best when it is shared with those who need to find a pillar of strength.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the day approaching.”

Hebrews 10:24-25

Together, we can overcome the various challenges we face in this world.

Through the gift of prayer, we are able to turn…

  • Anxiety to Peace

  • Depression to Joy

  • Anger to Love

  • Stress to Rest

  • Fear to Trust

  • Guilt to Hope